Schedule of Services
Elemental Analyses and Charges
Midwest Microlab preforms analysis for all of the following elements:
- Carbon
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
- Bromine
- Chlorine
- Fluorine
- Iodine
- Oxygen
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
*We do not perform any Trace Analysis
Repeat analysis can be performed at your request. Additional charges apply.
It is recommended that samples be sent in cardboard tubing or cardboard boxes with enough packaging materials to withstand the rigors of shipment. If vials are damaged during transit we will contact you before proceeding with the analysis.
Solid materials or liquids should be sent according to the appropriate theoretical percentage for all Halogen testing or with a standard 5mg per C-H-N determination. Air-sensitive substances should be sealed in small ampoules or compression vials.
Submission Sheets
Submission forms are available to download from our site. It is requested that they be filled in completely, one for each sample with the appropriate Sample Identification Number, and sent with the samples. Under the item remarks, please include any known characteristics, that may effect the analysis.
Hazardous Samples
It is the responsibility of the submitter to disclose any and all hazards known about the substances being submitted for analysis. In order to adequately protect our laboratory personnel, we ask that you disclose all precautions such as: highly toxic, carcinogen, extreme irritant, etc. We do not analyze radioactive samples or any samples containing Osmium, Thorium, Uranium or PCB’s.