How to Find Total Percentage of Fluorine within a Sample
Analysis of Fluorine using the ISE:
For fluorine testing, the appropriate size solid sample is weighed and inserted into a micro bomb. The bomb is then charged with the appropriate reagents to completely digest the fluorine compound. The apparatus is clamped shut and heated in a flame for 60 seconds. The contents are washed out and diluted.
The readings taken with the electrode are compared against readings from two dilutions of NaF standard. Thus a standardization check is done every time fluorine is determined.
With air-sensitive and/ or liquid samples digestion is done after sealing the sample in a Sn Capsule. Fluorine is a complex and labor intensive determination.
It is important to note that the sample does not come into contact with glass through out the process. Strong base is circumvented in the dilution process.
Interferences: include Hydroxides, Al, B, Ba, Ca, K, La, Li, Na and Sr.